Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I think most of my titles will end up being things like "narf" and "mmmmmeh," mostly because I'm forced to talk using existent words all the time, and most of the time I'd like to speak in grunts and indistinguishable noises.  The cavemen were onto something there, ya feel me?  I heard something once about how with body language and tone and facial expression, the actual words you say only make up about 5% of your meaning.  I say why bother with the words, because 95% communication is good enough for me.  But in real life this would cause problems so I limit myself to my blog titles.

Sequel to the Story of Saying Hi to People that Don't Say Hi To Me
Reminder: In my first funny stories post, I talked about how I had said hi to people that didn't hear me and so on.  Well, today another variation of this happened.  I saw someone I knew, waited until they were close, and said "Hey _____".  Unfortunately, today there always seemed to be a stranger between us, and they always turned like I was talking to them.  Like, "Yes, male that I don't know, when I said 'Hey Sophie!' I was talking to you.  Oh wait NO I WASN'T TURN AROUND."

Story of the Sorry Game
This is one of my new favorite games at BYU, especially in the Cannon Center at meal times.  For those who don't know, the sorry game only works when you are in an environment filled with overly-polite people in mass.

1. Scope out an unsuspecting victim.
2. Act like you aren't looking as you walk in the direction towards them.
3. Accidentally-on-purpose bump into them.  (Extra points for excessive force or broken dishes.  Not really about the dishes.)
6. Reassure them that it's okay.
7. Restart game.

This is a strange phenomenon that most people don't notice because we all do it.  We all apologize, even if someone clearly barreled straight into us.  IT'S BRILLIANT.

Story of How I am Insecure about my Mathematical Abilities
We were learning about the energy of life pyramid today.  The rule is, each level up retains 10% of the energy.  My professor called on me in class to tell what each level up would be if the base level was 20,810 kcal.  I was blushing a whole lot because I was afraid I'd mess up at dividing by 10 in front of the class.  But I got every level right!

Self-Absorbed Story of my Random Daily Observation
I was told today that 1. I am awkward and 2. I am calm.  After reflection, I decided that I like having both of these traits.

1 comment:

  1. I've been told both of those too. I'm more proud of the calmness...
