Tuesday, December 20, 2011

typig and long fingernails just don't get along...typing*

It is a constant rueful realization of mine that I'm not as funny as I believe I am.  To help myself feel better, I think of something funny.  Luckily, me and myself have the same sense of humor so this works.  Also, I am sometimes plagued by indecision.  Like how I started this post five different ways before I settled for the mediocre opening that now opens it.

It has been so long since my--first and last--post, that I forgot what the url of my blog was and had to try a couple different names before I remembered "scribblesbymeg".  Since I forgot this, I can't imagine that anyone else is still checking; Amy assured me that she checked for new posts all the time, which made me feel both guilty and flattered.  But I'm pretty sure that even she, avid supporter that she is, has given up on checking this particular page.

Nevertheless, I post all the same.  I'm starting my New Years' Resolution Number One (Post Regularly On My Blog) early.  Which probably means that I'll forget about it BEFORE New Years' rather than by the week after.


I just got too bored and under such circumstances whatever I wrote about would be boring.  I'll finish tomorrow.