Tuesday, May 29, 2012

popsicle jokes are funny

Blog post blog post blog post blog post.  (Somewhere in there, did you switch from thinking "blog post" to "post blog"?)

At school, I felt like I had a lot of funny stories to tell.  Here, I'm spending a lot of time at home and most of the humor comes from the flagrant wittiness of my family.  But those things are pretty much all "You had to be there" stories, so I'm not going to share them.  If you want to partake of the humor, come to our house.

OH, one story.  My parents were out of town for a few days, and Jeffrey had been sick and home from school.  Every night he would start to feel better, and then he would feel sick the next morning.  Conveniently, he got all the way better around two hours after school got out for the weekend!  Fancy that.  In his defense, I think Jeff truly thought he felt sick.  But things that we dread doing (such as attending a day of 7th grade in the middle of May) have the tendency of making hypochondriacs of us all.

Reading this book on introverts right now.  It explains a lot and satiates my egotistical desire to read about myself.

Worked in nursery for two Sundays.  Love the little buggers.

Victor Hugo is great.

The Once Upon a Time finale was decidedly not great.  But that's perfect for a finale, if you think about it--it makes it a lot easier to accept not seeing new episodes in the following months.  Except, really, it was kind of horrible.  It's making me angry to think about it.


  1. amen about the once upon a time finale. i was angry. also, the other day i seriously almost came to your house. just because. i was bored and i thought "i could probably just go to megan's. it's only 10 hours away and i have her address" but i (obviously) decided against it. it was a close call though.

  2. what book are you reading? i just bought a new introvert book on my kindle called quiet. just haven't had time to start it yet

  3. "The Introvert Advantage." We brought it to florida once, so you've probably read part of it, actually.
