Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hormones and (Future) Hubby

A tiny little stick in my arm is sending emotional messages bouncing off the walls of my body.

For those of you that don't know (I highly doubt that will be the case, seeing as my roommates read this blog and not that many others), I am engaged to be married.  Hands-down, this is the best feeling of my life.  Or was.  No, it still is.  But now, added to the joys of engagement and all the wedding planning is....the joys of birth control.

It might be weird to talk about birth control on a blog, I said roommates read this.

So I chose to go with Nexplanon birth control, which is a little stick the size of a match that they slide creepily under the skin of my inner left arm, below my armpit.  I can feel it just under the surface and that's a weird feeling.

Lisa joked about it reminding her of people that get mind-controlled with those kinds of injections.  We laughed but to be honest, it almost seems as if that were the case.  It is like a demon has taken possession of my body.

They warn you that you can get side-effects like weakness, change of appetite, moodiness or depression, nausea, etc, etc, etc times one thousand.

I thought that I was immune to those effects because, well, I'm awesome.

Coincidentally, though, in the few days after I get this device implanted in my arm, I begin to get moody.  Like, really.  I get mad at my dearly beloved fiancee over NOTHINGS.  He found it funny at first and then confusing.  (Side note, he is now VERY excited for my pregnant mood swings......)

It got to the point where I had calmed down and got a good sleep.  I felt very sane in the morning.  I was at peace with myself and the world.  I didn't even freak out when my dearly beloved fiancee asked tentatively IF I THOUGHT MY MOODINESS WAS A RESULT OF THE BIRTH CONTROL.

**Here is the thing.  It's different for everyone.  But when I am hormonally moody, the WORST thing you ask is if it is because I'm hormonal.  I mean, I feel like that's just asking, "So are your feelings fake and do I not have to take them seriously?"  Eliott says that it's more like asking, "Should I be extra nice to you and also are your feelings fake so I do not have to take them seriously?"  Since I am hormonally sober right now, I find that funny.  If I were under the hormonal influence, I would not be amused.

Anyway.  I was mad.  I was hungry for everything and nothing.  I cried for hours for no reason.  I sobbed over my books.  I spent an hour in Smith's trying to find food I wanted for ONE meal.  I couldn't concentrate on work.  I was tired and lightheaded.

But hey--a little drama can be a good thing :)

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