So in one of my classes this week, the discussion turned to how men are not valued in today's world. In the statistics, women have higher GPAs, higher abilities in the work world even if their salaries still are lower. Women are more sensitive, better at communication, blah blah etc. Basically the idea that men are obsolete and a strong woman is better off without one.
I think it is GREAT that we are empowering women and lifting them up. Women are incredible. (Especially my mother!) If society is telling women that they are capable of achieving great things--including those wonderful little achievements reached every day in the home, unknown to the rest of the world--then we are progressing and let's not stop.
But can I just say MEN ARE AMAZING. Too. Men are amazing too. (Especially my dad!) People are amazing. There's no competition between men and women, we are all a team. Men and women both are on the quest to improve, to be intelligent, kind, loving, successful. We all are looking to feel accepted and appreciated. So let's be careful when we see the foibles of someone and we give that exasperated sigh, shake our heads, and mutter, "Men." "Women are crazy." "Men are dumb." No! Men and women are human, and as humans we each have our own personality and flaws. When we to learn give each other the benefit of the doubt and try to always think the best of each other, our society will go far.
So you men and us women, don't worry. There may be some unfortunate comments, incidents, mindsets that are still out there. I'm not saying they aren't. But women, we respect you. Men, we respect you. We appreciate you. You're great. We need you. We love that you are our friends and husbands and fathers and brothers and coworkers. And when you make mistakes just like every other human being on the planet, we love you.