Announcement 1:
I reactivated my Facebook account. Hm.
Announcement 2:
I'm engaged.
Clarification: I'm not. I am, however, wearing my ring on my left ring finger, partially because it was starting to leave one of those weird green lines on my left middle finger, partly because it was hot out today and so my middle finger was an itty bit swollen, partly so I can just get a mischievous sort of joy from thinking that creepily observant people with me here in the library will think that I'm engaged. Suckers.
Announcement 3:
I am currently on my laptop at a table in the honors reading room in the library. There is a couple that is stealing kisses and nuzzling noses constantly. But it's like...not cute. I don't know whether I want to vomit or laugh more, so I chose option three, which was show no outward emotion but write about it here. In fact, I only started this blog post in order to relieve my emotions concerning this incident.
Story 1:
Last week, I got lost on my way to class. It was in the same classroom as usual.
Story 2:
I sometimes have trouble getting my room key into the keyhole. The other day, I didn't really get the unlocking part down, but I was in the flow of "unlock, walk in." So I accidentally just walked my face right into the door. Tip: Always complete step one before continuing on to step two.
Announcement 4:
I officially am majoring in elementary education! Kids, get at meh.